Violet’s Birthday Wish

On the 28th January, 2024, it was Violet's birthday. In the lead up to her birthday, we asked Violet what she wanted to do to celebrate, she told us she would love to go to Edinburgh Zoo and see some of the animals.
After getting in touch with the zoo, they arranged for Violet to meet 4 different animals; a giant African land snail, a pancake tortoise, an armadillo and of course, some giraffes.

When we told Violet where we were going for her birthday and how we were going to celebrate, she was over the moon and wanted to get started on the tour and meeting the animals right away!
We cannot thank Edinburgh Zoo enough for the amazing experiences they provide our residents with.
If you'd like to get in contact with us with to talk more about our care home, the care we provide and the events and activities we get up to, please don't hesitate to reach out to one of our friendly staff members today.