Cool Creatures Visit Trinity House


Recently the Trinity House activities team arranged for Cool Creatures to come and pay our residents a visit. They brought in a variety of animals from rabbits to reptiles, and other animals in between. The visit was about an hour long and residents were fascinated with the animals.

This was planned for our residents as something a little different in the activities schedule. For some, it was stepping out of their comfort zone to interact with certain animals.

For some of the residents, it was enlightening to see these creatures up close, learn a bit about them and even get a chance to hold them. It brought joy to the residents to be able to interact with the animals, it boosted their mood and we know it'll be a day they'll talk about with their loved ones.

Residents at our care home in Edinburgh were then rewarded for their bravery with a fish and chips lunch as requested by the residents. We had a donation for our fish and chips lunch from a local business who we have good community ties with.

We have our upcoming Strawberry Fete on Saturday 19th August from 2pm-4pm, where there will be fun activities such as a bouncy castle, raffle, stalls, BBQ, strawberry-themed food and entertainment. Residents' families and the local community are all invited. We hope to see you there!

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